CEO "Kathy" Katayoun Rezaei-Darugar
"It is my mission in life to empower as many people as possible by creating strategies for my clients that will maximize their wealth in ways they did not even know possible. An extraordinary retirement is something everyone deserves. I am here to make sure that happens for you."
Bank of an Extraordinary Life Blog
Toxicity in the City: How to Keep You and Your Family Safe
February 18, 2021
Tags: anxiety, body, breath, depression, food, happiness, hazards, heal, health, help, herbs, lungs, medicines, mind, oils, remedies, self help, spirit, toxins, water, wealth
Hello and thank you for joining me for the topic of Toxicity in the City. It is true and so not pretty. It is quite alarming. There is so much to talk about, and I will go over some of the most important to keeping you and your loved ones safe.
It is truly incredible how much toxins are a part of our lives, and a lot of them, we are clueless that we are exposing ourselves to them. So much of our society is fueled around us being intoxicated, not by alcohol, but by whatever is lowering our frequencies and creating weak points of penetration. Sometimes, something emotional triggers us to respond physically, for example, a daughter finds out her grandfather died. She is so upset she goes and binges on junk food and soda. Heightened emotions of anger, fear, sadness, despair and so on, can cause us to think, act, and do things we would not normally do, that is if we have ever experienced a “normal” state.
Most of us are for most of the day, living in a ‘fight or flight’ also known as survival mode. We have been so stressed that we are acting in ways that we should not. We drink too much coffee, too much sugar, and energy drinks. These are not replacements for rest. These will stress out the body and mind, and since what the entire body mind soul/spirit really needed was some rest, we might just lose it and snap. This could be emotionally by yelling and taking out our frustration and exhaustion on others, or it could be physically as the body just falls apart and becomes dysfunctional from too much stress and not enough rest. It could mean fainting, not being able to walk, a heart attack. Now, I mentioned physical and emotional snapping, but they are not separate entities. Everything is interconnected. Everything needs to have attention focused on it. Awareness is the first step in healing every aspect of our being.
I mentioned someone’s grandfather dying and because the grandchild was so distraught, the result was binge eating and drinking. Well, what does that person eat normally on a day-to-day basis? Is it truly food? Most of what we have been eating and do eat is not truly food, and I term them non-foods. Food is supposed to replenish, heal, energize. Are we fueling our bodies? For the most part, most of us eat non-foods, things that might fill us up and be pleasurable, but they are killing us. It is difficult to make food at home. You have to go and buy the groceries, bring them home, wash them, cut and prepare them, cook them, wash the dishes, put everything away: all for just a few minutes of eating. Most people eat out more than half of the week if not all of the week. It is very time consuming to do things the right way. But even if we do make our own food, do we actually make it? Or are we buying frozen dinners and hot ready to go foods at the grocery store? Even something like a loaf of bread could be the culprit of years of suffering. Have you ever looked at all the ingredients in those non-foods? We have to start reading ingredients. We have to take more time to take care of ourselves. Eating whole foods can eliminate so many of our diseases. A lot of times I have heard, ‘Oh, it’s genetic. It runs in our family.’ Is it really genetic, or are they all just making poor dietary decisions since that is how they have been brought up, and could it possibly be their actions and choices on consumption that is causing the disease in their family? I used to have all sorts of breathing problems. One day, I looked at the bread I was eating, and in the ingredients, it listed azodicarbonamide which I found out was the source of my problem. On the internet it states:
“Two suspicious chemicals form when bread with azodicarbonamide is baked. One of the breakdown products is semicarbazide, which caused cancers of the lung and blood vessels in mice, but poses a negligible risk to humans.” Feb 4, 2014
Why do they say negligible? So we do not freak out and stop purchasing the corporate tainted bread products! For a while I was in shock at how toxic so much of our day to day is in so many ways.
The first step in overall wellness is to eliminate toxins out of our environment as much as possible. This took me so long to see all the wrong I was doing. I was doing everything wrong. From my thinking, to my food and drinks, to my makeup, lotions, nail polish, hair spray, house spray, perfumes, house cleaning supplies- I was poisoning myself from every angle possible, and a lot of people are in the same circumstance right now and in so deep and feeling so sick not knowing what to do. Sometimes we might not even feel sick but are still moving towards disease.
Cleaning supplies and air fresheners- so unfresh and so unclean- so ironic. With the pandemic, a lot of people are using bleach. If you are using it, please be sure there is a lot of ventilation, especially if there are children and pets in the home. Bleach can do quite a number on the brain, lungs, and all of our being. Do not overuse it, and perhaps contain animals and children in a ventilated area that will not be bleached that day and wait a few hours before reintroducing them to the area. Any pine cleaning products contain phenols that are toxic to our dogs. Your safest bet is baking soda and vinegar. Baking soda can also be made into a paste and used as toothpaste or deodorant. I use coconut oil as my main toothpaste, and I also use it to brush my dog Sofie’s teeth. She loves it. I also sometimes use it as a mouthwash and on my hair after a shower as our ancestors did. After you swish it around in your mouth for a few minutes, it foams up and gets in all the crevices- it’s wonderful! Normal toothpaste is made with fluoride that actually decays our teeth even more and can cause bone cancers. It is hard to find on the internet. You have to go a few pages over, maybe 4 or 5. Before reading the article see who wrote it. If it is one of fluoride’s advocates like the ADA or WHO, you probably are not going to find much information there. Have you seen the bags of fluoride they use to add to the water supply? They have skull and crossbones on them, and they are adding it to our water- skull and crossbones – the symbol of poison. My friend said that where she grew up in Wisconsin when she was a child, they were just starting to fluoridate and all the fish died near her house. Never drink tap water. Not only does it contain fluoride, it also is a conconction of all sorts of medications that people have taken, residuals in the water and other toxic elements. A free clear dish soap can be diluted with water for cleaning floors. It is also much better on the environment as it does not contain toxic chemicals and artificial colors. The fish and animals will greatly appreciate it. They have enough of a hard time as it is. If we give out good energy, we will receive good energy.
So many of our children these days are having learning disabilities and other problems that in part could be caused by their environment. Truth does not apply to the rules in advertising. Febreeze is a spray that so many people use that is highly toxic. Sometimes reading the ingredients is not even enough. Many companies like Febreeze do not disclose the neurotoxins, immunotoxins, allergens, skin eyes and lung irritators carcinogens and other toxic elements they deceive us and expose us, our children, our pets, our environment, ourselves to.
You can simply get a spray bottle, add distilled water to it, add 100 percent essential oils: a few drops of lavender, orange, grapefruit, and cedarwood, and you have a wonderful air freshener that will raise your frequencies and not harm you but make your defenses better. Shake it before each use. Be careful with essential oils as they must be diluted and some are toxic to pets. Peppermint can be used in an area with sore muscles or neck pain. Just 2 or 3 drops is all you need with some organic extra virgin coconut oil, olive oil or sunflower oil- all of which are safe for dogs. Peppermint leaf tea is also excellent to drink daily for digestion, headaches, breath, and the list goes on. Sunflower, olive, and coconut oils are all wonderful skin moisturizers. I use those three exclusively on my own skin and never buy lotions or creams. Lotions and creams are really not necessary and might do more harm than good. They are being absorbed by our skin and enter our blood and all of our cells. If you wouldn’t eat it, do not put it on your skin. That is my motto.
Calcium bentonite clay or montmorillonite clay as it is also called, is a fabulous clay that you can use as a facial mask, put it in areas of pain, and I take it internally as does my dog because it can clear the body of toxins, bacteria, and viruses, including coronaviruses.
It is truly remarkable that all we really need is provided by nature. This Earth we live in, our Mother Earth, can heal us if we have the knowledge. Unfortunately, so much knowledge has been kept from the masses for profits. I hope we all spread this knowledge so we can help each other heal ourselves in so many ways.
Our children are not able to develop correctly because they are bombarded with all these toxins. There are so many artificial colors and flavors in the non-foods and non-candies that children love. These inflame the body, and start the process of dis ease. I went to Target and was looking at a common allergy medication Loratadine. The children’s version had synthetic sugar and overall ingredients that were more toxic at an age where they are the most vulnerable. The non- drinks are also tainted with too much sugar and artificial ingredients. Synthetic sugars cause so much cancer. Sweet and low is anything but sweet. We are being fooled. Diet sodas do not make you lose weight. They inflame you even worse. Our insides are being developed into cancer factories as we inundate ourselves with all these horrible corporate concoctions. Stevia is an excellent herb that is highly sweet. Its natural whole form is light green, not white. Everything is better in its whole form. There are natural chemicals in there that are beneficial to our bodies. Organic Raw Blue Agave is also another great sweetener.
It is going to take some time to feel the results of the detoxification. You will feel them though. Give it time, for your brain chemistry to realign and revive itself, and the cells of your body, and the energy of your whole being.
Makeup and nail polish, oh wow. The ingredients are just horrific – formaldehyde, really, that they use on dead bodies, and urea, yes, another name for urine. They are putting urine in perfumes, cosmetics, and hair sprays along with an arsenal of lethal ingredients. Hair sprays infuse the poisons into our lungs and brains. They might smell good, but do not be fooled. A lot of people just look at the brand. You have to read the ingredients. If you wear a lot of makeup, these poisons build up in your body and can be detrimental.
We have to face our problems. We cannot protect ourselves if we are not informed. We will just keep killing ourselves, our loved ones, our neighborhoods, our Mother Earth.
There are natural herbs that help with depression, anxiety, and stress. Depression and anxiety can be caused by deficiencies that affect chemicals in our bodies, our emotions, or both. That is why it is so important to eat food, real food and quality supplements. Zinc, folate and fatty acid deficiencies can lead to depression. Valerian extract Gingko Biloba Extract with Gotu Kola, Passionflower, and Lavender are some of my favorites. Passionflower and valerian root increase GABA in the brain. St. John’s wort increases serotonin. Herbs provide a multitude of benefits but are usually just marketed under what is deemed their main benefit. Make sure to space herbs 2 to three hours if you are taking different herbs. Everyone is different. The best way to see how it affects you is to try it. Make sure you get it from a trusted brand to make sure it is pure and potent. Usually it will say ‘lab tested’. Keep a journal, and try one herb at a time. Start on your day off in case you get drowsy. Dosage is important, and it will take some time to figure out the best dose for you. If you are already on antidepressants or antianxiety medications, wait at least 3 or 4 hours before taking any herbs. Journaling is very important. Hopefully many of you get my message before you get on the pharmaceutical medications. That would be wonderful if there were nurses covered by insurance to help wean people off the prescription drugs and onto natural herbal remedies, but that would go against mainstream medicine. Doctors have no training in herbs or natural healing methods.
Chemical antidepressants and antianxiety medications can cause seizures among other terrible side effects if you want to get off them and wreak havoc on your body. These are not the same side effects as natural herbs, and they might not be as reversible as natural remedies. They also have horrible side effects when you are on them and, in my opinion, the natural way is the best way and the only way to be able to live a fulfilling life and live it the way you were supposed to. Homeostasis is possible but it can take years once pharmaceutical drugs are taken.
Homeostasis, the perfect balance of all the dimensions of humanity. We are universes in universes. There is a lot going on in so many dimensions. It takes a lot of effort, time, openness, will, perseverance, visualization, dedication to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit, but it is well worth it for ourselves, our children, our animals, our families, our overall conscious development and every aspect of our lives.
Thank you so much for joining me. I send you all lots of love and wish us all health, strength, love, wisdom, connection and success. Until next time…
© Extraordinary Wealth Matrix
All Rights Reserved
Calmness and the secret Love Frequency
February 02, 2021
Tags: health, balance, education, family, finance, happiness, help, insurance, love, peace, progress, retirement, security, success
The topic for today is energy, in particular the importance of being calm, which I must say, even with all my training and effort in achieving a calm state, I still have a very difficult time at times. Being able to control and navigate our consciousness is so important yet so neglected. What is this miraculous, invisible yet so powerful force? It is our spirit, our essence, ourselves when we are most ourselves. A lot of the time we are not quote unquote “ourselves”. We find ourselves in situations where we thought we could “handle it” but found we could not. We “deal” with it over and over instead of figuring out how to avoid it, how to be in circumstances that we enjoy. A lot has been accepted unwittingly. It is much easier to get into circumstances than get out of them. It is much easier for everything to fall apart than keep it together. The latter takes much more effort, much more being conscious, thinking about it, listening to our gut, our spirit, our soul, to be able to project and reflect in our lives in these human bodies what is most synchronized with the universe that we came from and are a part of. All of which I stated takes being calm.
So many things in this world are unnatural. We have been in part detached from ourselves, sometimes voluntarily, sometimes involuntarily, sometimes both. We can get so busy and just go through our entire lives without becoming conscious, without realizing that we are part of a miraculous universe that is even more fantastic than a science fiction movie. I used to ask a person here or there, “Have you ever thought about the universe, about energy, about things that once were yet are not?” 99 percent of the time the answer was ‘no’.
To understand ourselves and our place in the universe, first, we have to get back to the basics…
We are light beings. Light is a dance of electricity and magnetism, also known as electromagnetism. Light is made up of particles, energy packets, known as photons. They are often referred to as biophotons. There are numerous amounts of these flowing in our bodies as waves. The flow of these biophotons generates the waves. I want to emphasize this because it is important to all that we are. The frequencies that we choose to live in, that we choose to create, in us and thus around us, will decide whether we are healthy and happy or sick and unhappy. There is so much fear out there among us especially heightened and exponentialized because of the coronavirus. This fear is making us so much more vulnerable to not just contracting the coronavirus but a slew of other diseases, when the body does not have ease, it does not have the ‘flow of energy’ that it should. The frequency of fear is wide and slow. This is the opposite of love’s vibration, love’s frequency, which is narrow and rapid, and thus, more of our DNA becomes activated. Now we have all heard that we only access a small percentage of our marvelous minds. This is due to us not living in love and the good and most powerful frequencies. Our emotions can change our worlds. They can alter our frequencies for the good or the bad. Food affects our frequencies. Movies affect our frequencies. Music affects our frequencies. Back to what I discussed on the first episode, good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, goftare neek, kerdare neek, andisheh neek these three greatly affect our frequencies.
The most important and most difficult first step is to eliminate fear. We cannot be in a calm state if we are fearful. Hatred, anger and violence also fall into the fear frequencies. We can resonate frequencies and be aligned with the path that we all want to acquire wisdom, be connected and successful in whatever we desire. It is crucial to let go of fear. We can start by writing what we are afraid of. Then, instead of using the word ‘afraid’, change the word to “concerned”. Little by little, we have to connect completely to love: live love, think love, and act love, and we cannot do that with fear. We have to start rewiring ourselves. Every word, thought, and action counts. Several times I have heard people say, “They are only words.” Or, “They are only words. It does not mean anything.” How wrong they are.
Take time in the day and night to practice calm. Say the words, ‘calm, peace, love, happiness, ease, wisdom, connection, health, success, patience, calm, calm, calm, calm, calm.’ Saying these out loud will connect us with their energies. We have the power.
I send all of you lots of love.
© Extraordinary Wealth Matrix
All Rights Reserved
Faith and Hope: Choosing to have a fantastic 2021!
January 27, 2021
Tags: alternative, balance, bank, education, extraordinary, family, finance, happiness, health, help, income, insurance, life, love, peace, progress, retirement, savings, security, social, success, wealth
As Dr. Wayne Dyer and many others say, ‘If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.’ Take a leading fast food commercial for instance. Before you learned that fast food is really not food at all and can wreak havoc on your mental and physical health, you might of thought, ‘What a great deal! That is what I am going to eat for dinner tonight.’ Now, as you see those same advertisements on tv, you look away immediately since it does not interest you to waste your time on things that are detrimental to every aspect of your being. Another example is getting some exercise, whether it be walking, weight lifting, etcetera. It might have seemed a pointless activity before- thoughts like ‘only the mind needs to be exercised’ used to cross your mind when your significant other or friends would suggest it or when you yourself thought about it, but ever since you just gave it a chance, opened your mind to a possibility, now, experiencing it for yourself, you see what benefits it has for you in every aspect of life, for if the physical body is not well, there are blockages, and your emotional, spiritual, and intellectually bodies will also be greatly affected. Another example is opportunity. Hindsight is 2020 in this example: you were in the perfect place at an opportune time to have a relationship with a great person, possibly could have been your lifelong companion, but at the time, you were so busy to ever even stop and see this person for their beautiful soul, their beautiful spirit. Looking back you wish you would have “woken up” but it is too late right now. The situation could have been a job opportunity or a chance to study abroad, or a variety of other events that could have positively affected your future, and we all have these, and we all look back at these, eventually. When do we look back at these? When we become present, when we want to affect our now and future to the maximum extent and we realize that we have the power to, when we become conscious of our actions, our thoughts, and the contents of our entire being…this takes practice. It takes focus and will. It takes breath, calm, time, quiet, knowing yourself, seeing yourself in this magnificent universe- where you are, how it is, what needs to change, what you like, what works, what doesn’t work, what you are, what you want to be which is what you are now but have not yet accessed it into physical form…
To become very powerful we must strengthen our minds- no not our minds- not the brain- consciousness. This is the way to create abundance and be connected to all that is good.
In Zoroastrianism which is the first monotheistic religion, or that is how it is classified. I really do not like to classify things, especially beliefs, because it is each person’s choice to see what they get out of it. Classifying could deter some of our beloved fellow humans and it could have been exactly what they were searching for. So to reword, Zoroastrianism is deemed the first monotheistic religion by mainstream scholars. What is so important about Zoroastrianism?
It’s moto is: Good thoughts. Good Words, Good Deeds. Goftare neek kerdare neek andisheh neek.
With these three actions performed atleast 5 times a day, we are able to align ourselves with the positive and creative energies of the universe, and thus doing, we feel great, are closer to ‘God’, ‘Goddess’, the Creator, that which is us and is around us because we are all essentially one. We are part of a universe that is us and we are it. There is no separation. We just follow those 3 simple steps 5 times a day atleast, and we should be able to eventually achieve the success we want by connecting to others that get attracted by such energies that the Creator will bring to us as it is so natural and inevitable.
That is one important must do in 2021:
Good Thoughts
Good Words
Good Deeds
Say it out loud. Keep saying it. Only good will come from thinking saying and doing good!
Goodness is much more powerful than darkness. As I mentioned last week, light can do what darkness can never. A small candle can light an entire room. Darkness does not know and never will have such power. Light always conquers darkness. Stay with the light. Think light, the sun, goodness.
Write down 3 goals for 2021. We have to know where we are and where we are going to get there. See your past, where you are now, and where you want to go. Stay positive. Do not say ‘ I do not want to……’
Say what you want
Write down what you want
Do not write down what you do not want
Do not think about how you will get there. Just write it down and think good thoughts and believe- believe long and hard as much as you can each day- you will connect more and more with what you want and it will come into form as is the way of the universe.
Sending you all lots of love energy and wishing us all health, strength, love, wisdom, connection and success! Until next time…
© Extraordinary Wealth Matrix
All Rights Reserved
Bank of an Extraordinary Life
October 17, 2020
There are so many dimensions in developing an extraordinary life. Just like a garden, these dimensions must be acknowledged and tended to, nurtured, strengthened and developed until thriving! It is a continual process and will bring great calm, confidence, continued growth and development, creating and maintaining happiness through an extraordinary wealth matrix that is there when you need it for all that life brings to the table.
Now more than ever, there are many uncertainties. I wish I would have known what I know now decades ago. My name is Kathy, and I am a single woman in my forties. I want to share my knowledge and experience to help you and your loved ones to live their dreams. I am so blessed and fortunate that I have been able to help so many people in just a few years. Everything happens for a reason. We will be connected with our best selves when we live moment to moment full of love, with no fear, and have a vision of our desires. These elements will connect us and bring forth the circumstances we need to create our beautiful paradise garden, our extraordinary wealth matrix. To listen to my podcast, please visit
© Extraordinary Wealth Matrix
All Rights Reserved
There are no trial runs in this experience known as life. Too little known is great risk to too much lost. Be confident in your life and family legacy.